According the gnome-terminal usage:

You can also scroll up or down one line at a time by pressing Control+Shift+Up or Control+Shift+Down.

In this document shows: Control + Shift + Up / Down can scroll up or scroll down the gnome-terminal one line. And, yes, they can!

Now, I want to re-map these two shortcut keys, like: Alt + J / K (Vimer habit).

My understanding

Here some signal must be triggered after press Ctrl + Alt + Up | Down.

The question is, what signal is triggered?

Here are some questions:

  • 0x115 is the signal of windows scrolling. what about Linux?
  • Can the scrolling be executed by command in gnome-terminal? (Some command inputted and gnome-terminal scrolling up/down)

I've download the source code of Gnome-Terminal, and tried to find the answer. But my C is terrible...

By the way, my Linux is Ubuntu 13.10, and gnome-terminal is 3.6:

$ gnome-terminal --version
GNOME Terminal 3.6.1
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 13.10
Release:    13.10
Codename:   saucy

3 Answers 3



I'm a vimer too and I feel uncomfortable with the default Ctrl position so I remapped the Window's Meta to be an additional Ctrl key. NOTE: you'll need xmodmap.

remove Control = Control_L Control_R
remove mod4 = Super_L Super_R
add Control = Control_L Super_L


To remap Ctrl + J and Ctrl + K in Konsole follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings -> Configure Current Profile -> Input
  2. Edit the Linux Console key binding
  3. Add a new key binding to scroll down a line at a time: J + Ctrl -> ScrollLineDown
  4. Add a new key binding to scroll up a line at a time: K + Ctrl -> ScrollLineUp

Some screenshots

   enter image description here

                         enter image description here

                                               enter image description here

NOTE: Now you'll be able to scroll up and scroll down a line at a time using the configured shortcuts.


Alt does work!! Just change Ctrl with Alt in the bindings.

  • Where is the documentation for the list of keywords that ScrollLineDown and ScrollLineUp come from?
    – vfclists
    Commented Jul 8, 2017 at 15:40

I think the answer you're looking for is here, titled: Keyboard shortcuts. Specifically these:

                            ss #!

NOTE: You can't override this keyboard shortcut through gnome-terminal! If you could it would show up in this menu:

To change a keyboard shortcut:

  1. Select Edit ▸ Preferences ▸ Shortcuts.
  2. Select the shortcut that you wish to edit by clicking on it.
  3. Once the shortcut is selected, click on the shortcut key combination to edit it.
  4. Type in your desired shortcut key combination as you would enter it to use it. The keys that you can use include Alt, Alt Gr, Ctrl, Shift, number and letter keys.

    NOTE: Mnemonic key combinations, such as Alt+F will not work. If you accidentally set one of these key combinations as a shortcut, you may need to reset it before you can change it to something else.

  5. Once you have entered your new shortcut, it will automatically be saved and you should see it in the list next to the corresponding action.

NOTE: To disable a shortcut, edit it and press the Backspace instead of the new shortcut.

Some shortcuts cannot be overridden!

If you notice in the screenshot above (a bit hard to see) it states that:

There are also some shortcuts that cannot be edited

These would include the scrolling up/down, so it would seem there isn't a way to do this directly through gnome-terminal.

  • This shortcut is not the "regular" terminal shortcut. Can you found any settings for scroll one line in Edit -> Preferences -> Shortcuts? No!!! Because I've checked that place long long time ago!
    – Marslo
    Commented Jan 26, 2014 at 15:17
  • @Marslo - Sorry I think you misunderstood what I said. The screenshot shows that you cannot edit these. I've expanded my A to make that more obvious. The same is also mentioned here: askubuntu.com/questions/247539/…
    – slm
    Commented Jan 26, 2014 at 15:42
  • @Marslo - yes until you asked this Q I would've guessed that this is modifiable. Makes no sense why it wouldn't be. I would take a look in dconf-editor. Things are sometimes doable there when the regular GUIs don't expose it.
    – slm
    Commented Jan 26, 2014 at 15:45
  • @Marslo - yes I know, I added them to make that line in the output more obvious. Sorry about that. I thought the line in the screenshot was obvious, but based on your reaction I'm guessing it wasn't 8-)
    – slm
    Commented Jan 26, 2014 at 15:46
  • Hi @slm, actually, I'm very thanks for your A. I've also checked the dconf-editor, but nothing found. Hope you can surprise me! :)
    – Marslo
    Commented Jan 26, 2014 at 15:47

A solution using autokey

You can use autokey to change shortcuts for certain windows. Autokey allows you to filter window titles via regular expression.

1) Just install autokey and create a new script.

2) Paste the following code into the script window and change it according to your needs.:

# This code will scroll the terminal three lines up, when triggered.

import time


2) Then tell autokey to assign the script to a "Hotkey" of your choice.

3) At last set the the regular expression for "Window Filter" to something like this ^Terminal$, depending on the title of your terminal windows. You may adjust your regular expression in order to match your specific window title. This site is very helpful, when fiddling around with regular expressions.

4) Do the same for scrolling down.

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