UPDATE (with hindsight):... This question/answer (my answer) makes me think of the dog which keeps chasing the car.. One day, finally, he catches up to the car.. Okay, he caught it, but he really can't do much with it... This anser 'catches' the strings, but then you can't do much with them, if they have embedded null-bytes... (so a big +1 to Gilles answer.. another language may be in order here.)
reads any and all data... It certainly won't baulk at zero as a "length"... but if you have \x00 anywhere in your data, you will need to be creative how you handle it; dd
has no propblems with it, but your shell script will have problems (but it depends on what you want to do with the data)... The following basically outputs each "data string", to a file with a line divider between each strin...
btw: You say "character", and I assume you mean "byte"...
but the word "character" has become ambiguous in these days of UNICODE, where only the 7-bit ASCII character-set uses a single byte per character... And even within the Unicode system, byte counts vary depending on the method of encoding characters, eg. UTF-8, UTF-16, etc.
Here is a simple script to highlight the difference between a Text "character" and bytes.
echo "CHAR count is: ${#STRING}"
echo "BYTE count is: $(echo -n $STRING|wc -c)"
# CHAR count is: 1
# BYTE count is: 3 # UTF-8 ecnoded (on my system)
If your length character is 1-byte long and indicates a byte-length, then this script should do the trick, even if the data contains Unicode characters... dd
only sees bytes regardless of any locale setting...
This script uses dd
to read the binary file and outputs the strings seperated by a "====" divider... See next script for test data
div="================================="; echo $div
((skip=0)) # read bytes at this offset
while ( true ) ; do
# Get the "length" byte
((count=1)) # count of bytes to read
dd if=binfile bs=1 skip=$skip count=$count of=datalen 2>/dev/null
(( $(<datalen wc -c) != count )) && { echo "INFO: End-Of-File" ; break ; }
strlen=$((0x$(<datalen xxd -ps))) # xxd is shipped as part of the 'vim-common' package
# Get the string
((count=strlen)) # count of bytes to read
((skip+=1)) # read bytes from and including this offset
dd if=binfile bs=1 skip=$skip count=$count of=dataline 2>/dev/null
ddgetct=$(<dataline wc -c)
(( ddgetct != count )) && { echo "ERROR: Line data length ($ddgetct) is not as expected ($count) at offset ($skip)." ; break ; }
echo -e "\n$div" >>dataline # add a newline for TEST PURPOSES ONLY...
cat dataline
((skip=skip+count)) # read bytes from and including this offset
This script builds test data which includes a 3-byte prefix per line...
The prefix is a single UTF-8 encoded Unicode character...
# build test data
# ===============
prefix="௵" # prefix all non-zero length strings will this obvious 3-byte marker.
prelen=$(echo -n $prefix|wc -c)
printf \\0 > binfile # force 1st string to be zero-length (to check zero-length logic)
( lmax=3 # line max ... the last on is set to 255-length (to check max-length logic)
for ((i=1;i<=$lmax;i++)) ; do # add prefixed random length lines
suflen=$(numrandom /0..$((255-prelen))/) # random length string (min of 3 bytes)
((i==lmax)) && ((suflen=255-prelen)) # make last line full length (255)
printf \\$((($strlen/64)*100+$strlen%64/8*10+$strlen%8))"$prefix"
for ((j=0;j<suflen;j++)) ; do
byteval=$(numrandom /9,10,32..126/) # output only printabls ASCII characters
printf \\$((($byteval/64)*100+$byteval%64/8*10+$byteval%8))
# 'numrandom' is from package 'num-utils"
) >>binfile