I have a program that does a large a amount of work (takes about 4-5 hours) that gets started by cron when all the data it works with becomes available. Sometimes, when I am waiting for it to finish, I would like to be able to have another (interactive) program start when it finishes. the wait call looks promising but will only wait for children.

  • The only other method I can conceive of is to create a file from cronjob, and then use inotifywait on that process, when the files deleted, your 2nd process (running inotifywait) can start.
    – slm
    Commented Dec 5, 2013 at 15:07
  • I think you could do something along these lines using ipc as well, interprocess communication. man ipc.
    – slm
    Commented Dec 5, 2013 at 15:09
  • Though you aren't watching a service to restart it, God, Monit, or one of the other pkgs mentioned in this Q&A would do the job too: unix.stackexchange.com/questions/75785/…
    – slm
    Commented Dec 5, 2013 at 15:16
  • @slm can inotify be used on any filesystem for example wait on close_write on /proc/_pid_/fd/1?
    – hildred
    Commented Dec 5, 2013 at 15:21
  • Not entirely sure, but that might be another way of doing it 8-). There was some Q that I remember where there was some new kernel functionality related to process monitoring similar to the inotifywait (for files). This new feature was for events on process, I thought but many of the Q&A start to run together in my mind 8-). I think the A was provided by me or Gilles.
    – slm
    Commented Dec 5, 2013 at 15:22

5 Answers 5


I Definitely prefer the EDIT #3 solution (see bellow).

if its not in the same shell use a while loop with condition on ps -p returning true. Put a sleep in the loop to reduce processor usage.

while ps -p <pid> >/dev/null 2>&1
   sleep 10

or if your UNIX is supporting /proc (for instance HP-UX still does not).

while [[ -d /proc/<pid> ]]
    sleep 10

If you want a timeout

timeout=6  # timeout after 1mn  
while ((timeout > 0)) && ps -p <pid> >/dev/null 2>&1
   sleep 10
   ((timeout -= 1))


There is an other way : don't use cron. Use the batch command to stack your jobs.

For instance you could daily stacks all your jobs. Batch can be tuned to allow some parallelism so a blocked job will not stops the all stack (It depends on the operating system).


Create a fifo in your home directory:

$ mkfifo ~/tata

at the end of your job:

echo "it's done" > ~/tata

at the start of the other job (the one who is waiting):

cat ~/tata 

It's not polling it is old good blocking IO.


Using signals:

At the begin of the script(s) who is(are) waiting :

echo $$ >>~/WeAreStopped
kill -STOP $$

at the end of your long job :

if [[ -f ~/WeAreStopped ]] ; then
    xargs kill -CONT < ~/WeAreStopped
    rm ~/WeAreStopped
  • Polling, yuck! Lovely decision: waste processor time or my time for tuning the sleep. There has to be a better answer.
    – hildred
    Commented Dec 5, 2013 at 14:44
  • :) Polling is good for you, polling is stateless, polling is reliable.
    – Emmanuel
    Commented Dec 5, 2013 at 14:51
  • polling is slow, poling wastes processor time.
    – hildred
    Commented Dec 5, 2013 at 14:53
  • With an exec time of 0.01s the 1440 ps executed during the 4 hours would have consumed 14.4s. Much less than a scheduler managing jobs dependencies :D
    – Emmanuel
    Commented Dec 5, 2013 at 15:01
  • I think this is likely the best option: stackoverflow.com/questions/1058047/…, even though it's hacky.
    – slm
    Commented Dec 5, 2013 at 15:04

You can modify your cron job to use some flag.

Instead of

2  2 * * *           /path/my_binary

You can use

2  2 * * *           touch /tmp/i_m_running; /path/my_binary; rm /tmp/i_m_running

And just monitor this file in script or even manually. If it exists, then your program is running; otherwise feel free to do whatever you want.

The script sample:

while [[ -f /tmp/i_m_running ]] ; do
   sleep 10 ;

In case you don't like to use sleep, you can modify the script and run it via cron once per X minutes.

In that case script sample will be:

[[ -f /tmp/i_m_running ]] && { echo "Too early" ; exit ; }

This way is a little bit easier, as you don't have to find the PID of your cron process.


There's no facility for a process to wait for another process to finish, except for a parent to wait for one of its child processes to finish. If you can, launch the program through a script:


If you can't do that, for example before you want to start the large amount of work from a cron job but the interactive program from the context of your session, then make this


There are several ways to implement notify_completion. Some desktop environments provide a notification mechanism (Open a window on a remote X display (why "Cannot open display")? may be useful). You can also make one using file change notifications. On Linux, the file change notification facility is inotify.

echo $? >/path/to/finished.stamp

To react to the creation of /path/to/finished.stamp:

inotifywait -e close_write -q /path/to/finished.stamp

If you can't change the way do_large_amount_of_work is invoked, but you know what file it modifies last, you can use the same mechanism to react when that file is closed. You can also react to other events such as the renaming of a file (see the inotifywait manual for a list of possibilities).


Have the script being triggered by the cronjob invoke an empty shell script into which you can insert follow-up tasks if you need them.

It's very similar to Gilles's approach.

cronjob-task.sh contains:

# do_large_amount_of_work


where post-execute.sh is usually empty, unless you see that you need to trigger a follow-up task.

while [ ! -z `pgrep nameoflongprocess` ]
  sleep 1
start script

pgrep will return an empty string if the long process is no longer running. Assumed here is that there is only one such process running at a given time.

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