I have installed redis server on my Ubuntu based server, so I can start/stop/restart redis server. The redis_server.sh is already in the /etc/init.d.

Now I want to make redis start on boot. I learned from a website that by working with the update_rc.d command, I can add / remove the service on boot.

I tried the update-rc.d to add startup on boot, which doesn't work:

root@ip-172-31-4-108:/etc/init.d# update-rc.d redis-server defaults
//System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/redis-server already exist.

In addition, there are some services I don't want to startup on boot, so I tried:

root@ip-172-31-4-108:/etc/init.d# update-rc.d reids_6379 remove
 Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/reids_6379 ...

But when rebooting next time, I still see that service running on boot.

3 Answers 3


For removing services you must use the -f parameter:

sudo update-rc.d -f <service> remove

For configuring startup on boot, try:

sudo update-rc.d <service> enable

See if the following symlink is created:


or something similar.

  • It doesn't works for me but it does. By some reason enable is not creating the file at /etc/rc..
    – deFreitas
    Commented Jul 14, 2018 at 18:26
  • Do you receive an error? Try "sudo update-rc.d <service> defaults"
    – erny
    Commented Jul 16, 2018 at 18:11
  • No, I ran then it does nothing and give no output
    – deFreitas
    Commented Jul 16, 2018 at 19:54
  • Debian 9 x64 logged as root
    – deFreitas
    Commented Jul 16, 2018 at 19:54
  • It's some specific issue with Debian in that version, I already tried it before and it works in Ubuntu at least
    – deFreitas
    Commented Jul 16, 2018 at 20:00

In ubuntu version 18.04 TLS, I found that update-rc.d does not work fine if there is no specific comment block in the start script that looks like this:

# Provides: myprogram
# Required-Start: $ local_fs $ remote_fs $ syslog $ network $ time
# Required-Stop: $ local_fs $ remote_fs $ syslog $ network
# Default-start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: myprogram some description
  • 1
    On Raspbian Buster (v10) #! /bin/sh must appear right before the BEGIN INIT INFO block.
    – R01k
    Commented Nov 3, 2019 at 2:30

Hate to admit that none of this worked on Raspberry Pi (Debian 10). If I want to stick with old school /etc/init.d/my_script location I needed to do the following.

# runlevel
N 5
# cd /etc/rc5.d
# ln -s ../init.d/my_script S40my_script

(probably should be done for other runlevels as well)
# ls /etc/rc5.d/ | grep my_script

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