I'm configuring TTY auto login, so I followed the official guide, created a file named autologin.conf in /etc/systemd/system/[email protected], containing the following lines:

ExecStart=-/usr/bin/agetty --autologin XX --noclear %I 38400 linux

I did this for both tty1 and tty3.

Now when my system boots, I can see the bash prompt on tty1, but my autorun scripts for tty3 doesn't run at all. (The script is in ~/.bashrc, it runs if $(tty) equals to /dev/tty3)

Any ideas?

P.S If I modify [email protected] directly, adding the autologon, it works perfectly, the auto run scripts for tty3 executes.


I also noticed if I press ALT + F3 manually, after switching to tty3, the script get executed as well.

1 Answer 1


I found this thread which I think is your issue. The thread is titled: systemd: autologin to tty1 problems, sounds like your issue.

note: As of systemd 30, only 1 getty will be launched by default. If you switch to another tty, a getty will be launched there (socket-activation style). You can still force additional agetty processes to start using the above methods.

I think you need to add another getty service file.

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