I installed LMDE on my computer using LMDE official live usb image. I made /, /home, /swap, something about booting. The installation was very successful, there was no any errors while installing. But when I boot with GRUB, there is error like that

GRUB loading.
Welcome to GRUB!

error: file '/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found.
Entering rescue mode...
grub rescue> _
  • Possible duplicate? Sep 23, 2015 at 18:36
  • What do you mean? Sep 23, 2015 at 23:10
  • Wel there are multiple questions like this one Sep 24, 2015 at 6:13
  • Sadly I could not find question like this one. I couldn't understand them. Can I have your answer if you have professional knowledge about this one please? Sep 24, 2015 at 7:34
  • I know the issue again, wait a sec and I'll post it. Sep 24, 2015 at 7:48

1 Answer 1


This issue is happening if the boot loader is set to install on /dev/sda1 instead of /dev/sda in example.

Here are the steps to resolve it Boot from the install media. Choose try LMDE (or any other distro) first.

mount /dev/sdx1 /mnt/

Where x stands for the letter of the partition.

mount /dev/sdx2 /mnt/boot/   
mount /dev/sdx3 /mnt/home/

(Oy if you use separate partitions

cd /mnt
mount -t proc /proc proc/
mount --rbind /sys sys/
mount --rbind /dev dev/
mount --rbind /run run/
cp /etc/resolv.conf etc/resolv.conf

(For wireless)

Then do

chroot /mnt /bin/bash

After this use the commands:

sudo grub-install /dev/sda

(Or any other partition you use, only with Debian based distro's)

This should work, if not comment again.

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