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2011 Moderator Election

nomination began
Feb 21, 2011 at 20:00
election began
Feb 28, 2011 at 20:00
election ended
Mar 8, 2011 at 20:00

On Stack Exchange, we believe the core moderators should come from the community, and be elected by the community itself through popular vote. We hold regular elections to determine who these community moderators will be.

Community moderators are accorded the highest level of privilege on our community, and should themselves be exemplars of positive behavior and leaders within the community.

Our general criteria for moderators is as follows:

  • patient and fair
  • leads by example
  • shows respect for their fellow community members in their actions and words
  • open to some light but firm moderation to keep the community on track and resolve (hopefully) uncommon disputes and exceptions

Every election has three phases:

  1. Nomination
  2. Primary
  3. Election

You can read more about the election process on the blog, and ask any questions on meta. If you're looking for a ton of detail and statistics on all the nominees, see the election page put together by community member ArtOfCode.

Please participate in the moderator elections by voting, and perhaps even by nominating yourself to be a community moderator!


I'm an existing Pro Tem Moderator, and currently one of the top 5 users on the site by reputation. My primary goal as protem has been to define what is and is not ontopic. One such endless slew of questions in the beginning was cross-platform application's, which I've argued are ontopic. Now that we've launched I'm trying to be less of a shaper and see in general what the community thinks.

Of the existing Pro Tem moderator's I might be the most likely to have an opinion on whether something should be ontopic, and the least likely to reword your post.

Remember to vote, and remember to vote to close, and flag for moderator attention to migrate.


(Much of this is covered by the election stats page)

I'm a pro-tem mod currently, and rather like doing it. I've been on the site since the private beta, and I'm here pretty continuously throughout the day (1 of 8 fanatics, and just over 200 consecutive days now (double fanatic?)), so I handle most of the flags that come in.

I like the maintenance side of Stack Exchange sites. I'm a copy editor on SO, and about 50 edits away here (1 of 5 with strunk & white). I spend most of my time in the miscellaneous quality tools: the review page, flagged posts, posts with close/delete votes (so often empty that I'm tempted to start ignoring that one), tag synonyms, suggested edits, migrated posts, etc.

I'm on our meta (1 of 6 with convention), but activity there is pretty limited compared to the other sites. I'm also active on the main meta as well, so I generally know when policies have changed or new features have come out. I'm on chat, for what that's worth; it's at least easy to get my attention if you need something or have a question. I have the second highest rep here, 8k, and 40k network-wide, although rep don't mean much when it comes to choosing a mod other than perhaps indicating how active they are

Sites that have more nominees than positions (which includes us now) have "town hall chats" so nominees can answer questions, so if you have any questions you can comment here or wait and ask them then


This is from a young Linux fanboy who came across Area 51 during the break between his classes. It was me, and the first thing I did was to enter "linux" in the search box. To my surprise there were a lot of people already committing to it (I was under the impression that there was no healthy community for *nix geeks).

So I committed, just before the private beta began. I have been with the site since then (and became one of the first to get a Fanatic badge). I make sure to read all questions and do everything proper with them. Besides voting and answering, I often leave comments on how a post can be improved, encourage people to vote...

I see becoming a moderator as a chance to contribute more to the community that I learn from. The day the nomination started, I was tempted, but felt undeserved. However, after spending a few days thinking I am writing this to nominate myself. At this point I see myself as a user who understands the site well enough to help other newer users. I want to take my turn and share the hard work of moderators.


I am highly interested in the Stack Exchange concept. It just makes life so much easier for Unix/Linux Q&A, and has encouraged me to ask a whole bunch of questions I wouldn't have bothered anyways, knowing the level of quality of answers I'd get.

I'd like this to be THE place to go for Unix/Linux Q&A, much like Stack Overflow is THE place for computer programming Q&A. That's one reason I was excited to reach 2k rep, which allows editing anything I feel I can improve (and that was before this boon). My little contribution towards that goal is helping improve the quality, which is something I'm deeply interested in.

I have been rather active here and on meta, with a combined activity count of over a thousand items (that surprised me BTW). There's hundreds more on main Meta. I go there a lot when I need to suggest something, or complain, or just to go see what's interesting.

I also live on room 26, so I can at least read the title of each question asked on this site. But I joined it mainly so that I can participate in the discussions there. [sidenote: I only wish more users would participate there, because it makes discussions easier; it's much better than dirtying the main site with needless Comments; oh, and it's much better than traditional IRC].

There's at least one moderator tool I'd like to make use of, and that is viewing a list of suggested edits by low rep user. Well, unless that request is taken into consideration, I will have to wait until I have 10k rep to do that (and am only at 2k now).


I am nominating myself because nominating others is not possible.

Look at my questions, answers and comments to get an idea of my activities at unix.stackexchange.

Until now I am not active at the meta page - but perhaps this will change if there is a need.

I agree with xenoterracide that cross-plattform related questions are on-topic here. I want to help that unix.stackexchange keeps as open as possible to Unix/Linux related questions.


I haven't been here long, so I wasn't going to nominate myself, but I notice we have a shortage of candidates, so I will put myself forward after all.

I'm active on several Stack Exchange sites, including this one, Server Fault, and the photography site. I haven't hit 2000 yet here, but will soon. I think my contribution here has been valuable and will continue to be.

I'd like to see this site develop into the best place for all Unix and Linux questions, and particular to handle the not-large-sysadmin-environment questions that often hit Server Fault. It's great so far, but a little small — there's not many high-reputation users yet, and hopefully we can attract more experts. I'd like to use a light touch on editing and moderating, with more of a focus on categorization and linking of similar concepts. I'd also like to see the tag wikis become helpful jumping-off points for common topics.

I've personally been using Linux and Unix professionally since 1995, and have a Linux-related sysadmin/systems architect job supporting academia. I generally know my stuff, but am very happy to learn something new and to be corrected when I'm wrong.

This election is over.