How to take the number including dot from an output of one command and use it in another one?

For example, this command

chia wallet show -w standard_wallet

gives this result

Wallet height: xxxxxx
Sync status: Synced
Balances, fingerprint: xxxxxxx

Chia Wallet:
   -Total Balance:         0.192267662015 xch (192267662015 mojo)
   -Pending Total Balance: 0.192267662015 xch (192267662015 mojo)
   -Spendable:             0.192267662015 xch (192267662015 mojo)

I want to take the number 0.192267662015 from the Spendable line to use in another command which will become

chia wallet send -a 0.192267662015

There will only be one Chia Wallet section in the output, and only one Spendable line.

How to write a script to do this? I have been looking up to grep, sed and xargs but not sure how to put them in the use correctly.


1 Answer 1


Since you only have one Wallet section, and you want to use the Spendable amount, the following approach should work:

chia wallet send -a "$(chia wallet show -w standard_wallet | awk '$1=="-Spendable:"{print $2}')"

The idea is as follows:

  • The wallet send command receives its "amount" via command substitution (i.e. the $( ... ) is replaced by the output of the enclosed command).
  • The enclosed command is the wallet show command whose output is piped to an awk program for text processing.
  • The awk program will split the lines it receives from the wallet show command into "fields" at (contiguous) whitespace. It is designed to print the second field ($2) if the first field is equal to -Spendable:. Note that this approach works in this simplicity only because the "Key" is a single contiguous string without "internal" whitespace in this particular case.
  • As a result, the $( ... ) used as "value" for the -a option is replaced by 0.192267662015 for the above example.

Since this involves financial transactions, be sure to test the inner command (inside the $( ... )) before doing anything unrecoverable.

If you want to change the number of digits, you can use printf instead of print and use the "well-known" formatting options, e.g.:

awk '$1=="-Spendable:"{printf "%.4f\n",$2}'

If you want to force rounding down, you can truncate the string (as per a comment by Ed Morton):

print ((p=index($2,".")) ? substr($2,1,p+3) : $2)

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