I'm trying to use /usr/bin/file to detect file types in a program but also would like it to report if the file does not exist. However the command always returns exit status 0.

Besides grepping the output, is there a way to make /usr/bin/file exit non-zero on file not found? Or is there another command that has this behavior?

  • Are you sure the the exit status is 0, I tried the same thing on bash shell, i.e trying to find the file type of non existing file, it works fine and the exit status is 1. Try printing echo $? in bash after file command to check the exit status. Mar 17, 2016 at 7:02
  • Also, let us know how you are capturing the exit status of command. Mar 17, 2016 at 7:05
  • file non-existent.png; echo $? non-existent.png: cannot open 'non-existent.png' (No such file or directory) 0
    – chakrit
    Mar 17, 2016 at 9:11
  • sorry the comment formatting is a little cramped. I'm on OSX, could that be the reason? But this also happens on my build server, which is centos i think.
    – chakrit
    Mar 17, 2016 at 9:12
  • Also I'm on zsh
    – chakrit
    Mar 17, 2016 at 9:13

2 Answers 2


The man page for file on my fedora, which is similar to centOS says explicitly that filesystem errors are not considered as an error in the exit status.

However, it also mentions the -E flag which you can use:

On filesystem errors (file not found etc), instead of handling the error as regular output as POSIX mandates and keep going, issue an error message and exit.

  • Confirming this works on CentOS! But not on OSX unfortunately :( I guess I'll just stick to the ruby solution.
    – chakrit
    Mar 18, 2016 at 6:24

As far as other commands, Ruby can figure out whether files exist:


You can incorporate it like this:

if File.exists?(filename)
  # Use the `file` command
  # Handle file not existing

If you do this multiple times, you can clean things up a bit by moving it into a Ruby method that handles all that and returns what you want.

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