41 votes

What are Non-GNU versions of terminal commands?

Taking a more direct approach, here are the major options other than the GNU utilities: The BSD userland utilities:Originated with the early versions of Berkely Unix, in which they were just regular ...
Austin Hemmelgarn's user avatar
29 votes

What are Non-GNU versions of terminal commands?

I thought GNU was the (only) supplier of essential tools whose open-source code powers Linux distributions. No. Not at all. Stallman & co do like to paint that picture as if it's "GNU/Linux ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
16 votes

What are Non-GNU versions of terminal commands?

GNU Coreutils in general are not the original version of most of those tools. Typically they are supplied by the operating system and since most flavors of Linux are GNU/Linux you are most familiar ...
jesse_b's user avatar
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11 votes

Getting italics working correctly in tmux

Inside tmux, the program that produced the output on your screenshots "thinks" the terminal does not support italic mode. The program does not try to use italics, it chooses to manipulate ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
11 votes

What does >&- do in a unix / linux terminal?

Quoting the POSIX specification for the sh language: 2.7.6 Duplicating an Output File Descriptor The redirection operator: [n]>&word shall duplicate one output file descriptor from another, or ...
Stéphane Chazelas's user avatar
11 votes

Open PDF from a command line and go back to the command line

You don't actually need to press enter, you can use the terminal directly. What happens is that evince can print out various messages to standard error, so those make your temrinal look like it isn't ...
terdon's user avatar
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10 votes

Alternatives to file polling?

You could create a named pipe with mkfifo instead, and read that. Reads will block until something has written to the pipe, no manual polling required. Something like: tmp_input=$(mktemp -d ./...
muru's user avatar
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10 votes

Is the difference between physical terminal and Linux virtual terminal the use of serial cable?

No, it's not the use of serial cable that distinguishes between physical terminal and virtual terminal. The reason why Linux virtual terminal is called "virtual" is because Linux itself ...
Noob_Guy's user avatar
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7 votes

Command line glob to view multiple images using ImageMagick's display

If you don't specify a delay, imagemagick will load the first image and wait for your input, that is SPACE - load next image BACKSPACE - load previous image If you want to display the images in ...
don_crissti's user avatar
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7 votes

Use arrow keys in the middle of command

I’m not sure it can be done with arrow keys, but you can use history shortcuts: !-3 && !-2 | !-1 !-3 will be replaced by the third-last command, !-2 the second-last, and !-1 the last.
Stephen Kitt's user avatar
7 votes

How to replace both lower and uppercase extensions with Parameter Expansion?

I don't think you can make the pattern match in ${filename%.doc} case-insensitive in Bash. You could do it zsh, with ${filename%(#i).doc} (requires setopt extendedglob enabled) or ksh93 with ${...
ilkkachu's user avatar
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6 votes

How do I trace a Linux command in terminal to see which files it uses as it executes?

You can run it with strace -e file: strace -e file /path/to/command This will list all system calls involving a file name on standard error. You can output the list to a file instead using the -o ...
Stephen Kitt's user avatar
6 votes

How to replace '8' with '7' in a single step?

In Bash, if you have history expansion enabled (which is on by default though some disable it), then entering ^old^new will re-run the last command with a substitution applied (I think it's short for !...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
5 votes

Error With gtk-launch: Unable to find terminal required for application

As of 18-09-2023: The list of hardcoded terminals here is static const struct { const char *exec; const char *exec_arg; } known_terminals[] = { { "xdg-terminal-exec", NULL }, ...
martor's user avatar
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5 votes

What are Non-GNU versions of terminal commands?

This must imply that there are versions of ls that are not provided by GNU, right? What are these versions, who make them and where can I find them? Yes. The original implementation of ls under the ...
slebetman's user avatar
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5 votes

apt randomly switches languages ever since I installed Arabic on my Pop!_OS running KDE Plasma

The LANGUAGE environment variable is specific to GNU gettext (and therefore influences the programs using gettext as a way to ease their internationalization) You define LANGUAGE=en_US:en_US:en_US:ar ...
MC68020's user avatar
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5 votes

Alternatives to file polling?

Have you heard of inotifywait? It sounds like what you want. (I often use entr to execute on file changes - but I think you can achieve your goal with inotifywait.)
Popup's user avatar
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5 votes

How to replace both lower and uppercase extensions with Parameter Expansion?

You don't. Just remove the extension entirely instead: find "${COMPANYPATH}" -iname '*.doc' | while read -r file; do echo "${file}" filename=$(basename "${file}") ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 242k
4 votes

screen -t <titlename> , does not set screen title properly

This is from the category "It's not a bug, it's a feature!" The problem is the bash (maybe the same or similar in other shells) variable PROMPT_COMMAND which is set by default in your ...
Hauke Laging's user avatar
  • 90.3k
4 votes

Change Filenames Based on List in .txt file in Terminal

Maybe you can try something like: while IFS=$'\t' read -r oldname newname do mv -- "$oldname" "$newname" done < filenames.txt In this way, you set a delimiter (IFS) to read ...
Romeo Ninov's user avatar
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4 votes

When is useful use "silent" for tty?

#!/bin/sh # Script that is run regularly from cron, # but also sometimes from the command line. interactive=false if tty -s; then echo 'Running with a TTY available, will output friendly ...
Kusalananda's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the hot key to show the next command of the previous command in history in Linux/bash?

... Press [Up] ---> prompt showing echo 1 Press [Ctrl-O] (that's the letter o, not zero) ---> echo 1 is executed, prompt showing echo 2 Press [Ctrl-O] ... The hotkey can be changed in .inputrc, ...
egmont's user avatar
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4 votes

How to replace '8' with '7' in a single step?

Assuming you're using bash, the overwrite mode is disabled and not bound to any shortcut by default: Toggle overwrite mode. With an explicit positive numeric argument, switches to overwrite mode. ...
muru's user avatar
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4 votes

"set editing-mode vi" v/s "set -o vi" what is the difference?

The .inputrc settings will take effect in all applications that use libreadline, including but not limited to bash. set -o vi in .bashrc will affect bash only.
telcoM's user avatar
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4 votes

"set editing-mode vi" v/s "set -o vi" what is the difference?

.inputrc (and /etc/inputrc) is the configuration file of the GNU readline library. readline is developed alongside bash and both are currently maintained by Chet Ramey, but it's also used by many ...
Stéphane Chazelas's user avatar
4 votes

How to run the command "sudo sh /path/to/script.sh" by double clicking?

EDIT Since you edited your comment to provide more information, I can now give you a complete answer. I verified with my friend who runs KDE plasma, and he says that the default behavior is that ...
renzev's user avatar
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4 votes

How to delete rows that contain 0 in the "last column" in a linux terminal?

What I would do: awk '$NF != 0' Or, since bed is a tab separated format that allows spaces within fields: awk -F'\t' '$NF != 0' $NF is auto-magically the last column¹. If the last column is 0², then ...
Gilles Quénot's user avatar
4 votes

Alternatives to file polling?

tail command has a -f/--follow flag which tells it to "output appended data as the file grows". Then you can use the head command to wait until the first line is written to the file. ...
aviro's user avatar
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4 votes

How to match a pattern instead of a single letter/number using brackets?

Not actually globbing, but ... Recent versions of Bash can do Regular Expressions based matching with its RegEx operator =~ when used in extended test brackets [[ ... ]] ... It can do capture groups (....
Raffa's user avatar
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4 votes

How to match a pattern instead of a single letter/number using brackets?

[MSG] as a glob pattern matches any one of the characters M, S or G. To match either of MSG, DOC or PDF, you use (MSG|DOC|PDF) in zsh or @(MSG|DOC|PDF) in ksh. bash doesn't support zsh glob operators ...
Stéphane Chazelas's user avatar

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