18 votes

Terminal-based spreadsheets and wordprocessor?

I would suggest visidata. VisiData is an interactive multitool for tabular data. It combines the clarity of a spreadsheet, the efficiency of the terminal, and the power of Python, into a ...
Alex's user avatar
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10 votes

Converting multiple .xls format files to .xlsx format

It will require libreoffice From this Stack Overflow question Unix command to convert xls file into xlsx file? : libreoffice --convert-to xlsx my.xls --headless Note that the --convert-to option ...
Nicolas Formichella's user avatar
9 votes

Terminal-based spreadsheets and wordprocessor?

For command-line interface (CLI) spreadsheet programs, see the following options: 1) SC: Spreadsheet Calculator (Linux Journal Article) / Ubuntu Manpage 2) SC-IM: Spreadsheet Calculator IMprovised (...
Felipe G. M. Maia's user avatar
6 votes

Inserting delimiter into file

You can use sed for this: sed 's/ /,/' in > out This will replace the first space on each line with a comma. If you want to modify the file in place, you can use the -i option. The syntax varies ...
Maya's user avatar
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5 votes

How to find out if a cell is (visibly) blank in LibreOffice Calc?

There are different ways to work around the limitations of ISBLANK(): As described in my comment, you may provide explicitly an empty string as lookup value in Column F for "b" (with ="...
tohuwawohu's user avatar
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5 votes

how to read xls file in Linux

If you're wanting to use the file from the command line, then locate and install xls2csv "reads MS-Excel file and puts its content as comma-separated data on standard output" Alternatively, if you're ...
steve's user avatar
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3 votes

Copying tab-delimited data out of the shell

It's presumably a limitation of your terminal application. In comparison, tabs copy fine from my (Linux) terminal. Perhaps you could try a different emulator? (I've heard good things about iTerm2.) ...
Sparhawk's user avatar
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3 votes

simplest cell addition formula on column in libreoffice 5

You need to specify the range: =SUM(B2:B8) (in B10). As explained by Mark Stewart, SUM(B2,B8) is equivalent to B2+B8 — you'd use that form of SUM() if you had a specific list of disjoint cells to ...
Stephen Kitt's user avatar
2 votes

text to xls file creation

Step 1: join the files in a multicolumn file: paste f1 f2 f3 > _1.tsv Step 2: add a formula to calculate the sum: gawk '1;END{for(i=0;i<NF;i++) {printf("=SUM(%c1:%c%d)\t",65+i,...
JJoao's user avatar
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2 votes

How to copy-paste cell contents of new lines into a cell?

You can double click on the cell or press F2 to enter the edit mode and then paste the text there. That works for me in LibreOffice.
Scantlight's user avatar
2 votes

Insert a date in a cell in sc

You can insert a date using the @dts function, eg =@dts(15,12,31). When needed it is converted to a number of seconds since the epoch so you can calculate a difference. Eg if cell A1 has this value, ...
meuh's user avatar
  • 51.5k
2 votes

Filename is divided when writing on a csv file

On Linux, GNU find has a -printf option that will print the filename with a given format; to import into CSV, you could surround the filename with double quotes, something like: find . -type f -...
Jeff Schaller's user avatar
  • 67.3k
2 votes

Display & edit tabular data in the terminal

The best tool is for me VisiData https://www.visidata.org/
aborruso's user avatar
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2 votes

How to find out if a cell is (visibly) blank in LibreOffice Calc?

If the cell is empty, or has one or more blanks (so is not 'visible'), then you might want to use this instead to test it instead of simply =LEN(B3)=0: =len(trim(b3))=0
Elliptical view's user avatar
1 vote

In LibreOffice Calc how do I choose a random cell excluding cells with specified text?

The best way I see to do this is by filtering out "None" from the list by going to Data > More > Standard Filter. Otherwise, you're looking at either array formulas or macros. For a ...
Jim K's user avatar
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1 vote

How to force =RAND() to run only once in LibreOffice Calc?

From the RAND() documentation of libreoffice calc: RAND is a volatile function that produces a new random number each time Calc recalculates. This means that Calc will update the value returned by ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
1 vote

Filename is divided when writing on a csv file

CSV means Comma Separated Value. When the spreadsheet reads the file, it interprets the commas as field dividers. Replace the commas with some other separator, such as an underscore, with tr, thusly $...
K7AAY's user avatar
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1 vote

how to read xls file in Linux

The 'gnumeric' package comes with the ssconvert command line utility that can extract, convert xls files to many formats. It's also a spreadsheet software. ssconvert input.xls ouput.csv
Vincent Achard's user avatar
1 vote

Keyword Search for .xlsx .ods files recovered by photorec

photorec only recovers files that it recognises. xlsx and ods are both zip archives, one of the recognised types, so photorec will have found the file. For xlsx try grepping the start of all the ...
Jasen's user avatar
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1 vote

How to calculate like a spreadsheet of excel in Linux?

If you want to do spreadsheets in linux, your go-to option is Libre Office, an open source and open standards equivalent of the Microsoft Office suite. It can even read .xls spreadsheets, although ...
Shadur-don't-feed-the-AI's user avatar
1 vote

simplest cell addition formula on column in libreoffice 5

Try this: In cell C2 enter 2 and in cell C3 enter 3. In cell C4 enter =SUM(C2:C3). The result (which I tested to make sure) should show as 5. If this worked, then check what is in B2 through B8 to ...
Jim K's user avatar
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1 vote

Terminal-based spreadsheets and wordprocessor?

joe (Joe's Own Editor) is a very good WordStar clone, and can be configured with WordPerfect key bindings (as "jed" i think...) It is very fiull featured and has a full, WordStar like menu/help ...
w3bc's user avatar
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