Questions tagged [yum]

Yellowdog Updater Modified (yum) is an interactive, rpm based, package manager.

388 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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So, what do I do with the output of yum check?

When I run yum check (or try to use yum to update my system generally), I get the following: # yum check Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, priorities, refresh-packagekit krb5-devel-1.10.2-12.fc17....
Marcin's user avatar
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Install packages in CentOS without root from non enabled repository

I need to install a high number of packages in a computer running Scientific Linux 6 (based on RHEL 6) for which I don't have root access. After much tinkering and internet searching I found this ...
lobis's user avatar
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Yum security model OR Why can a hostile proxy deny updates without a warning?

A friend of mine just had the strangest kind of problem where his Fedora 20 would not update to (or even find) the current kernel 3.16.3 (and incidentally also not update the vulnerable bash version). ...
Perseids's user avatar
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Disabling gpgcheck with tmprepo plugin

I want to install an rpm from a repo just once and not have to add it to my yum.repos.d/ directory using the tmprepo plugin. However, I’m blocked on how to install an rpm with no gpg signature. The ‘—...
Faheem's user avatar
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2 answers

How to change the repository settings for yum installer?

I am pretty much new to Linux. I am trying to install tint2 on CentOS. When I try to install using the command yum install tint2, it gave following error checking for X11... configure: error: Package ...
ram's user avatar
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YUM ERROR: Failed to retrieve group file for repository: rhel-x86_64-server-7

A week ago, a yum update on all my Rehdat 7 servers, outputs the following error: Error: Failed to retrieve group file for repository: rhel-x86_64-server-7 I tried doing a yum clean all, but that ...
user1993015's user avatar
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REPO Error: HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden during firefox-compat install from AWS EC2 instance

tmp]$ sudo yum --enablerepo=epll install firefox-compat Loaded plugins: priorities, update-motd, upgrade-helper Could not retrieve mirrorlist
JRP's user avatar
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Mysql yum install how to get right dependencies Centos 6.9

I'm trying to get MySql 5.7 installed on a Centos 6.9 system. I've been following instructions here: I've downloaded this rpm: mysql57-community-release-el6.rpm and installed it with this command: ...
Jack BeNimble's user avatar
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Cannot install postgis2_94 on Centos 7.5

I am trying to install postgis2_94 on CentOS 7.5 with the following command (having already installed postgresql94 ): yum install postgresql94-server postgresql94-devel postgis2_94 postgis2_94-...
Mehdi Haghgoo's user avatar
3 votes
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YUM not resolving dependency with requirement for older version

YUM is failing to resolve an old version of a dependency in my repository. It seems to be getting confused by the fact that there is a newer version present, even though the older version (which ...
sourcenouveau's user avatar
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firewalld removing with all configurations using yum

Unfortunately there is no -purge option as we all know in RHEL/Centos I removed firewallD as usual with yum: # yum remove firewalld -y then flushed iptables. After installing firewallD again, ...
Zaza's user avatar
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Making update-persistent changes to initrd in CentOS

I am booting a CentOS image via NFS, which requires a custom initramfs from dracut, with some extra modules. I want the kernel to get updated normally, using yum update. This will automatically ...
Dan's user avatar
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how to know if a reboot will be required

Depending on your Linux version there are different commands to update the system from a repository. What command is needed to preview whether a reboot will be required.... In other words - BEFORE an ...
Michael Felt's user avatar
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Remove package with yum but leave libraries in place?

During setup on a specific set of servers, I need gcc-c++ installed to compile some of the software I am setting up. After install is complete I need to remove the compiler for security reasons. ...
Wildcard's user avatar
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`yum install` on CentOS 7 states installed size of 578mb, then fails requiring 75+GB more space on /

I have ~10Gb available on /.After running yum install kolab on a new CentOS container yum states the following: Total size: 234 M Installed size: 578 M However, the install then fails with the error:...
chaosaffe's user avatar
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Unable to use yum repos whether with baseurl or mirrorlist in CentOS 6.5

Since a couple of days, I'm unable to retrieve repositories data with Yum, in my CentOS 6.5 server. I did yum clean all a dozen of times, it emptied all but didn't solved the problem. I tried to ...
Pierre-Yves Le Dévéhat's user avatar
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broken filesets after install VLC via RPMFusion

Needed a media player, followed the link on this site Here is the last part of the YUM output; After following the link above, VLC installed and executed fine, but I was left with broken filesets ...
mark kaylor's user avatar
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Sudo yum permission denied Fedora 17

On Fedora 13, in /etc/sudoers I used to have a line: Cmnd_Alias SOFTWARE=/usr/bin/yum and then for a user that would have the privilege of installing his/her own RPM packages, an entry like: ...
David Ramirez's user avatar
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Hanging at "Running Transaction Test" when trying to install php-soap

I have here a CentOS 5 and I'm trying to run yum install php-soap but the installer hangs on and the last step is Running Transaction Test. I found out that NFS shares are the problem. See here or ...
testing's user avatar
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CentOS 8 stream module conflicts installing package

I'm trying to install the redhat-lsb package. This will allow me to gather additional facts when running ansible against this target machine. When I attempt to install redhat-lsb I get the following ...
dutsnekcirf's user avatar
2 votes
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CentOS yum update: packages skipped because of dependency problems?

I'm in the process of updating a server running CentOS that hasn't been updated in years. There were over 400 packages to update, but 6 packages were skipped due to dependency problems. After updating ...
kalaniakahi's user avatar
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How to automate recompiling with custom patches for repository sources when updates are available?

I have some patches that I want to apply to various software that I run which add customization that is unlikely to be accepted or has been rejected upstream. I can already download the source for ...
Zhro's user avatar
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yum cannot accessing repos

Most yum tasks that I try to on a CentOS 7 (release 7.6.1810) appear to stall while trying to access repos e.g. when I run yum install php the process freezes on a line that looks like this C7.0.1406-...
Olumide's user avatar
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createrepo and yum update with new rpm files, metadata?

So I [almost] know how to update an offline rhel/centos 7 system, I am using a second identical system which is registered with RHN and other repositories. In /etc/yum.conf I have keep_cache = 1 and ...
ron's user avatar
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yum list-security no longer reports package as needing security update

We have an audit system that, daily, tracks packages in need of a security update using: yum list-security --security -q 2 For better or worse, some machines are not patched timely or missed, or are ...
Byron70's user avatar
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What's the difference between the `php71` and `php71w` in the yum repos?

I use yum list *php71*, there shows: ... php71-php-zstd.x86_64 0.4.14-1.el7.remi ...
fanhualuojin154873's user avatar
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Yum repository throwing - [Errno -1] Package does not match intended download

I am building a Yum repository to install RPM packages. I am creating a folder mkdir -p ~/yum/el7/x86_64 and moving rpm file to it under same path given above. Here is my my-app.repo file info. [my-...
Mir Adnan's user avatar
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Error (qt5-qtwebkit) trying to install notepadqq on Redhat 7.4

I am trying to install notepadqq on Redhat 7.4. To do this I run sudo yum install notepadqq However, I get the following errors, Error: Package: notepadqq-0.46.1-0.el7.centos.x86_64 (FedoraPeople-...
Austin Downey's user avatar
2 votes
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Curl NSS / SSL error after update

I use a custom internal authentication server. With the last round of updates it started having issues, apparently due to a change in the ciphers. This is on a CentOS6 box, fully updated. curl https:...
Tim Brigham's user avatar
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Minimal install of CentOS 7 and Chrome

Because I eventually need to run this on docker I try to create a container with a current version of Chrome 57 x64 on CentOS 7.3. Unfortunately this does not work until I create a very bloated image ...
Marged's user avatar
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How to make all the modules as one file when using yum to install?

I have multiple nodes and I am trying to install some libraries through yum. But the problem is that most of the nodes aren't not connected to the external-Internet. (Nodes can reach other nodes ...
sclee1's user avatar
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Unable to run yum command on Redhat 7

I have a new Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.3, I am trying to install Ambari Server on this machine by following the steps in the link
Ravi Chandra's user avatar
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How can I enable centos-release-SCL on Centos 6.7?

I am trying to install centos-release-SCL on CentOS 6.7. I want to do this to get python2.7. I have tried: sudo yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=extras install centos-release-SCL Loaded plugins: ...
David Board's user avatar
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yum update glibc - ERROR with rpm_check_debug vs depsolve:

I want to update my system with yum update but I get only errors starting with these two lines: Running rpm_check_debug ERROR with rpm_check_debug vs depsolve: Then, I tried only to update the ...
devopsfun's user avatar
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What is the equivalent to this apt-get when installing PostgreSQL extension for acoustid?

On bitbucket, it says to install the extension using sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.X-acoustid. but I'm running on CentOS... when I replace apt-get with yum: $ sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.X-...
God Usopp's user avatar
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Why this strange sorting of dnf package result list?

This might be the most useless question of the decade; however, it intrigued me, so I thought it might be worth sharing. According to the manpage, dnf search <something> orders the list of ...
dr_'s user avatar
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How to set YUM settings in a Kickstart?

I am moving a 32-bit CentOS server that runs 32-bit applications to 64-bit CentOS to allow more RAM. I already have a kickstart file that I use, but unfortunately the packages listed have no ...
Centimane's user avatar
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Could not resolve host:

I did a fresh install of CentOS 7 on an Acer Inspire T. It is a terminal-only installation (no GUI). I connected the CentOS 7 box to a cable modem via an ethernet cable, and the cable modem is ...
CodeMed's user avatar
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trying to install chef-client package via local yum repo

I am trying to make chef-11.16.4-1.el6.x86_64.rpm available to our servers via a local yum repo that we've built. it is not available in RHEL Repos, so i had to manually download and save it in our ...
taki's user avatar
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Yum is asking for nonexistent updateinfo.xml hashes on the repodata directory

Any idea why I need to "yum clean dbcache metadata" frequently? I am using centos6.6 and it has the epel repo. It frequently fails to get the packages from the mirrors with a 404 error until I clean ...
OK999's user avatar
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Where can I find gtkglextmm for centos 6?

Yet another "where can I find" question. I'm looking for gtkglextmm, the gtk/gl C++ wrapper, for CentOS 6. On my Ubuntu system, I know you can get it with sudo apt-get install libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-...
natebot13's user avatar
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How can I resolve "duplicates" in yum?

In a moment of confusion and impatience, I severely damaged my OS. Here's the deal... System: CentOS 7 Problem: essential packages like SAMBA do not work, and yum will not do anything. How it ...
adam.r's user avatar
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Only allowing specific packages from one repo

I'm looking for information on whether there is an easier way to do this. I have set up a company repo, we use custom packages for a few items. What I want to avoid is this package being installed ...
Devon's user avatar
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Yum error in Centos

"Error Type: Error Value: File contains no section headers." I got this error that pops up regularly. Also, when i try some yum commands as this one, i get this response : [root@localhost Fitz]# ...
Fitz's user avatar
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Getting conflict errors when running yum update

I'm truing to run yum update, and keep getting errors about conflicts. I must have accidentally interrupted an update at some point, but I don't know when and how. I've tried —skip-broken, but it ...
Paolo's user avatar
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Unable to install Mysql

When I install mysql on my Centos, I get the following error: Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile Could not retrieve mirrorlist ...
user avatar
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yum command is not working Fedora 20

My machine is running Fedora 20. The yum command was working last week, but now it is not working. When I try yum update or yum clean all it is not showing anything. This is my yum.conf [main] ...
Dinuka Thilanga's user avatar
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Error: cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: rpmfusion-free

I have a VPS; I tried to run this command in CentOS 6.5 32 bits: sudo yum install sd-agent And I get: Loaded pluings: fasestmirrors Determining fastest mirrors Error: cannot find a valid baseurl ...
George's user avatar
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fedora 19 dependency issue

I am getting this error while updating: Resolving Dependencies --> Running transaction check ---> Package openssl.x86_64 1:1.0.1e-4.fc19 will be updated ---> Package openssl.x86_64 1:1.0.1e-...
Ruben Roy's user avatar
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How do I turn a local yum repository into a local satellite for many other repositories

I am not sure I am asking this question in the best way. I am doing my best to ask it in the clearest way possible. I would like to build a local (to my cluster) yum repository server such that I ...
Luis Felipe Moura Pereira De S's user avatar

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