Questions tagged [symfony]

Symfony is an open source PHP web development framework. Use this tag for questions about installing and or using the Symfony framework in Unix & Linux.

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An exception occurred in the driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution

The following command results in the above error; symfony console doctrine:migrations:execute --up 'DoctrineMigrations\Version20220513151605' Lot's of questions on it but I cant find any that match ...
cookie's user avatar
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An exception occurred in the driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused - docker - symfony

My code (symfony 5.4) fails to persist data to the database. Here's my setup:- docker-compose.yaml ... #MySQL Service db: image: mysql:5.7.22 container_name: db restart: unless-stopped ...
cookie's user avatar
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Apache virtualhost configuration issue

I'm developing a symfony application and in trying to remove index.php from the url, I used the following virtualhost configuration: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ...
sisko's user avatar
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Trying to get a Symfony version number in my Bash script using a regular expression

When I call bin/console --version in a Symfony project from my terminal, I get Symfony 4.4.3 (env: dev, debug: true) I like to do a match to see that verifies that the result of the command does in ...
William Berg's user avatar
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Host symfony app on plesk obsidian

Anyone was able to successfully run symfony application on the plesk environment already? I'm new to management of plesk, until now i was configuring vhosts by my self, with use Apache / Nginx. I ...
Sharminte's user avatar
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Linux Debian Jessie sudo command keeps asking for password

I have recently configured a Symfony 3 site which involved me to set up some permissions on the /var folder. I had to do the following: $ HTTPDUSER=`ps axo user,comm | grep -E '[a]pache|[h]ttpd|[_]...
Dblock247's user avatar
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Doctrine OCI8 charset behavior between php-cli and php-fpm

My Oracle database is in ISO8859-1 (not by choice). I'm struggling with segfault from php-fpm for a couple of days now. To dig out the source of it I've set two parallel environnements with the ...
soyuka's user avatar
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2 answers

Dotdeb says PHP 5.3.18 is the latest

I'm using Debian 6 . Now I don't understand why it says PHP 5.3.18 is the latest when 5.3.2 has been around for 2 years? I need at least PHP 5.3.2 for my symfony project. Thanks.
Marin's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

apache and php Segmentation fault [closed]

I have recently migrated to Archlinux. I installed Apache, php and mysql according to the Arch Linux LAMP wiki page. Now I have setup a virtual host for my new Symfony project. For every request I ...
Omid Kamangar's user avatar