Questions tagged [php]

PHP is a widely-used, general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development. Use this tag when you are dealing with a PHP script, installing PHP, or configuring a PHP installation.

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PHP 7.1.2 cannot Gmake : Zend Error

I use Solaris 11.3 Sparc 64 bit, Mysql Enterprise Advance 5.7.1, Apache 2.4.25 and PHP 7.1.2 I configure PHP with following parameter. export CC="gcc -m64" export CFLAGS="-std=gnu99" ./configure --...
user3323980's user avatar
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strange wrapping of file paths

I have a PHP script run form the command line on an AWS AMI Linux EC2 instance that echos out when it is renaming files, and it is wrapping the end of the string back to the beginning. The string ...
raphael75's user avatar
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How to change root password for mysql and phpmyadmin-mint Linux

I have recently installed Linux Mint. I have installed 1) Lamp 2) Set up MySQL 3) Test Apache 4) Test PHP 5) Phpmyadmin Everything was working fine. Unfortunately my password include $ ...
Shanu k k's user avatar
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Running a bash script with php from cron

I have a script with a curl command in it for php to execute: /root/ #!/bin/bash echo "test" > file curl -d "credentials=foobar" -d "title=$server down"
maxisme's user avatar
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Can't get Phpmyadmin

I recently installed Linux mint.But i can't get phpmyadmin when i hit http://localhost/phpmyadmin/.I did the following commends 1)Install the LAMP Server using sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ -y 2)...
shanu's user avatar
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8 votes
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why php can not see /tmp files

i have simple test.php page: <pre><?php system("ls -la /tmp"); ?></pre> which always shows just: . and .. folders and nothing else in browser. in the command line: 1) ls -la /...
Asain Kujovic's user avatar
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Problem with installing phpmyadmin

I use Linux Mint 18.1 KDE Edition and I installed php 7.0, psp-mysql, apache2 and phpmyadmin. But when I go to url in my Google Chrome I see these errors: <?php /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=...
Ivailo GEORGIEV's user avatar
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Trying to run PostFIX mail server. But mail sending in not working

I was trying to setup postfix MTA to use the mail() function in PHP. Using MAMP 4.1 the free version on Mac OSX sierra PHP version 7.1.0 I am not interested to use MAMP PRO and third party libraries ...
Varun Gupta's user avatar
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Output on Running PHP from Command Line

When running PHP on CLI, with same script concurrently on Ubuntu Linux, I have this: [1] Done php /var/www/html/deletebadsubjtermsnew.php 150 2 > /var/www/html/...
forgodsakehold's user avatar
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How do I set up mail.log in PHP?

I'm trying to set up mail.log in PHP. I updated php.ini's mail.log setting on the server: ; Log all mail() calls including the full path of the script, line #, to address and headers mail.log = "/var/...
symlink's user avatar
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What Mail Transfer Agents is PHP using?

I'm trying to diagnose a problem with certain email addresses possibly being blocked on my server. I'm running PHP 5.3 on CentOS 5.7. The php.ini file lists a sendmail_path of /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i,...
symlink's user avatar
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Fresh install PHP 7.1.1, php.ini is missing

I can't find where the php.ini file is on a fresh install of PHP 7.1.1 in Solaris. find / -name "php.ini" ## < No result ./php --ini Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /opt/app/php/lib Loaded ...
user3323980's user avatar
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Systemd service: Failed to issue method call: Unit service failed [closed]

I am trying to make a custom service in my VPS. However, it doesn't let me run it. It says the following. I am not sure what is going on but when I run it on my Ubuntu laptop it works properly. What ...
kobbycoder's user avatar
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How to run cronjob every 4 hours minus 1 second

I have data coming from API and I want to call it and dump the data in my db every 4 hours (current day data). I used the following : 0 */4 * * * The data in my report is missing some values, ...
Bilal Halayqa's user avatar
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How to undertand the GPLI code, structure and database?

Where can I get the conception and database structure of the GLPI ? I didn't find any documentation in the Internet. "how to create a plugin in GPLI" in Github doesn't help me very much.
zied's user avatar
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How to include multiple config dir in php-fpm?

I'm doing the configuration of php-fpm, and I'm experiencing some issues with the include= directive in php-fpm.conf file. Here is the default directive : include=/etc/php/7.0/fpm/pool.d/*.conf But ...
Nurrl's user avatar
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HTTPD server not starting after disabling these modules mod_include, mod_info, mod_autoindex and mod_userdir

As per this article "4. Disable Unnecessary Modules" Ref: It’s always good to minor the chances of being a victim of any web attack. So it’s recommended ...
Sundar's user avatar
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How to authenticate Linux accounts with PAM using PHP without giving www-data shadow

Sort of as a follow up to this: Securest way to authenticate users against /etc/shadow using PHP? and because there hasn't been anything relevant that I've seen on Ubuntu 16.04. I'm trying to ...
brianforan's user avatar
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PHPmailer remote execution vulnerability check

I have a RHEL6 system and I want to verify if the system is vulnerable to phpmailer remote code execution exploit. I did not setup the server. How can I figure if the server is vulnerable? I tried ...
afl's user avatar
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Why does phpinfo() show version 5.5.9 but php -v show version 7.0

I am running ubuntu on vagrant box and am successfully running and developing LAMP applications. BACKGROUND: I am trying to install laravel with composer and getting "the requested PHP extension ...
Oliver Williams's user avatar
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Alternate source for a package removed from a testing or unstable repo php-mongo 1.6.10-1 has been removed from unstable and testing and I was using it in a VM to maintain some legacy code. When I came to provision another VM ...
gawpertron's user avatar
33 votes
4 answers

Unix system(“unzip”) Extracting Zip Files Silently

How do I silently extract files, without displaying status?
Adedoyin Akande's user avatar
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Obtain PHP7.0 on Debian 7

Is there still any possibility to install PHP7 on Debian Wheezy (7.11) ? /etc/apt/sources.list deb wheezy all deb-src wheezy all Commands # ...
ElemEnts's user avatar
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PHP interactive script that calls nano

I have written simple PHP programs meant for the command line that run a script to completion with the hashbang at the top: #!/usr/bin/php -q <?php //etc However I need to write a script that ...
Oliver Williams's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

SELinux is preventing NGINX from writing via PHP-FPM

I'm using a server to write into a NFS type mount-point via NGINX using php-fpm. At the very first step, it shows me the following error: 2017/01/16 11:32:59 [error] 55463#0: *22 FastCGI sent in ...
Parsa Samet's user avatar
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How to remove php7 completely from centos 6?

I was trying to build a wiki on centos server and I downloaded PHP7 from its official website. When I wanted to remove it, I found that even if I deleted all the PHP7 files(I install it using a tar.gz)...
charlie's user avatar
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Ubuntu php upgrading issue

I have a problem after I updated my php version to 5.6 from 5.5. OS: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS. Server version: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu). PHP version: 5.5. Laravel 4.2 with yajra package. I have done the ...
Tugsbayar Buyadaa's user avatar
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Rewrite doesn't work expectedly in NGINX

I'm using the following syntax for my rewrite in NGINX, and as far as I see it's working right! : location / { if (!-e $request_filename){ rewrite ^(.+)$ /index.php?url=$1 ...
Parsa Samet's user avatar
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Delete specified range of line number from a text file using sed from within PHP

I am trying to delete range of line numbers using sed command within php using exec command. I know how to use sed when substituting values directly within command. exec("sed -i.bak -e '2d;12,17d;57d'...
Abhishek J's user avatar
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.htaccess rewrite not working?

I have the following virtual host in /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/ip-based_vhosts.conf: <VirtualHost test.local:80> ServerAdmin [email protected] ServerName test.local DocumentRoot /home/web/test....
george's user avatar
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EasyApache 4 Migration Issue

One of server is hosting several domains with their wepages mostly in php. Server was running eayapache3 with php5.5. One of the domain asked to enable php5.6 recently. So we migrated the server from ...
Sollosa's user avatar
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How to run .phar file with PHP CLI from an unpacked RPM?

How to reproduce: "Install" PHP 5.4 (plus ncurses and OpenSSL libraries) from CentOS 7 repositories using rpm2cpio | cpio in a directory called "rpm" Download phpunit.phar version 4.8.26 Run ...
l0b0's user avatar
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Output of SQL query as variable PHP

I have a PHP script that connects to one of my SQL databases and runs a select command. I'm then trying to see what the output is of command but when I echo my results to a file I get "Resource id #5" ...
a.smith's user avatar
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Cannot load undefined symbol: unixd_config apache service not start

When I trying to restart apache service getting below error: root@localhost:/# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart [FAIL] Restarting web server: apache2 failed! [warn] The apache2 configtest failed. ... (...
Nullpointer's user avatar
3 votes
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PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library : cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I'm trying to compile a specific version of GEOS and its PHP bindings in the Travis CI environment; they're using Ubuntu. Here is my install script: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get remove 'libgeos.*...
BenMorel's user avatar
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DNS Resolve in php chroot

I created a script which creates a chroot and sets up php-fpm and apache2 to make the site work. In my script I'm copying all required lib(s) to my chroot lib(s) dir(s) using this: fileArray=$(ldd /...
Nurrl's user avatar
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How to POST 'shell output' as JSON data with Curl

I got the following command: curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"host": "'$(hostname)'"}' Which works as expected, but if I try to send uptime ...
Mc Kernel's user avatar
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php: compiling with openssl, ftp, ldap, curl support in debian gnu/linux

I'm trying to compile php 5.2.x in debian gnu/linux: ./configure --with-ldap --enable-ftp --with-apxs2 --with-mcrypt --enable-bcmath --with-bz2 --enable-calendar --enable-dba=shared --enable-exif ...
ZiTAL's user avatar
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rsync files with apache permissions over ssh

I'm running a rsync via apache to sync an assets directory rsync -avz -e 'ssh -l rsync -i /home/rsync/.ssh/rsync -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' /var/www/html/site/Uploads centos@$IP:/var/www/html/site/...
Rudiger's user avatar
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Nginx + PHP-FPM serving .php files as downloads

It's a matter asked thousand times and since I hate write posts, I read and search for all possible documentation before get to the annoying part (for me) which is writing. So I have Nginx & PHP-...
Alain's user avatar
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Why would accessing a PHP CGI file with GET fail (404) but with POST succeed (200)?

I have centos web server. Name: CentOS release 6.8 (Final) Kernel Version: 2.6.32-642.6.2.el6.x86_64 Apache version: Apache/2.2.31 PHP version: 5.4.45 [PHP Switcher] I was try to access link getting ...
kibar's user avatar
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Global multiline search & replace

I have a server with thousands of files containing a multi-line pattern that I want to globally find & replace. Here's a sample of the pattern: <div class="fusion-header-sticky-height">&...
James T Snell's user avatar
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cat filename | cut -f2 | head -1 > newfile contains more characters than expected

When I run: cat filename | cut -f3 | head -1 I get the following result: apple However when I save this to a file by using: cat filename | cut -f3 | head -1 > newfile I then open this using ...
NeverPhased's user avatar
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selinux started blocking php "exec" calls after yum update

I've used the PHP exec command to issue lpr -P printer_name /var/www/html/somefile.pdf but after a RHEL system update (7.2 to 7.3), selinux has decided to start blocking these requests. selinux ...
a coder's user avatar
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How to track the names of the uploaded files in Linux servers?

I want to monitor/keep track of all the files uploaded using web server (mainly using PHP/Apache and NOT using FTP server). I Googled and found that, only possible way could be writing a hook for ...
Mani's user avatar
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SQLSTATE[HY000] [2003] Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (13) but 'localhost' works

Cent os Apache + php + MySQL from php when you try to connect to the MySQL at the address, an error occurs. If you replace a line to localhost everything works without problems. ...
Carl W.'s user avatar
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“unable to get local issuer certificate” and “tlsv1 unrecognized name”

I am having a problem with the Paypal IPN postback verification. The problem came up a month ago, I believe when Paypal updated their security standards and their certificates. My website is running ...
Niko Zarzani's user avatar
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Why PHP doesn't run in Apache?

I'm using Elementary OS and Apache. What I did? I installed Apache 2 and I went to to check if Apache was online, that's ok. I saw the Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page, I thought Apache ...
Shader's user avatar
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Block uploads by extensions directly on php

We test our system day by day checking about php allowing bad formats in upload routines. I discovered recently that developers uploaded a plugin with examples, that allow peoples to send php files ...
Luciano Andress Martini's user avatar
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Can't add a PPA, stuck at gpg: keybox

I'm on Debian Testing and I'm trying to add a repository with this command: add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php But it eventually gets stuck after it adds the gpg key, like so: gpg: keybox '/tmp/...
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