Questions tagged [iceweasel]

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4 answers

Flash plugin of debian vulnerable?

I run Debian wheezy with Iceweasel as browser and have installed the Flash plugin similar to this description. Today I read that not only Flash on Windows and Mac also Adobe Flash Player ...
aldorado's user avatar
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Disc light comes on when pressing keys in Iceweasel Preferences? Is this malevolent?

On Linux,I'm using the Iceweasel web browser (it's effectively Firefox), and in Edit/Preferences/General/Startup, when I type a URL into the "Home Page" box, the hard disc light comes on for EVERY ...
user56341's user avatar
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How do I run chromium inside a chroot?

Okay, I can run Iceweasel 17 ESR fine and some simple X apps like xkill, so I know that it's not merely an X display problem. However any version of Chromium and Iceweasel 24 fail with the following ...
Railgun's user avatar
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Newer versions of Mozilla (Iceweasel / Icedove) not working when X forwarding is used

On one of my machines (debian squeeze), I have just upgraded the standard version of Iceweasel provided with debian squeeze stable (3.5.16). I am now using the version available with the backports ...
zebonaut's user avatar
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Install SSL Certificate in Iceweasel

I'm using Kali on Windows. I downloaded the Burp Suite and I'm trying to install its SSL certificate onto the Iceweasel browser. Burp Suite, the leading toolkit for web application security testing ...
thisisjnd's user avatar