Questions tagged [dash]

The Dash shell, a POSIX-compliant derivative of the Almquist shell used as /bin/sh in Debian, Ubuntu and other Linux distributions

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6 votes
1 answer

Putting "$@" in a local variable in dash

I have a Bash function that does some string manipulation on its arguments as a whole ("$@") by putting it in a local variable, something like this: my_func() { local args="$@" ...
1 vote
1 answer

Anyway to bind keyboard to dash (Debian Almquist Shell)?

Specifically Up/Down for history navigation. What I already know I understand dash is a minimalistic, no bloat, (somewhat) strict POSIX shell. I understand the philosophy behind it, and the reason ...
1 vote
0 answers

I get permission denied for a command in an sh script, but same command works from terminal

I have a service run by systemctl in RedHat 8.8. The service itself is relatively simple: cat /etc/systemd/system/myservice.service [Unit] Description=My service [Service]...
12 votes
2 answers

When sh is a symlink to bash or dash, bash limits itself to POSIX-compliance, so it should be 100% compatible with sh?

From Difference between bash and sh: ABck to the question: If you have /bin/sh as a link to bash, then bash will not behave the same when called as /bin/sh as it does when called as /bin/bash. When ...
9 votes
1 answer

Why does exiting with a stored returncode of a nested command result in different returncodes in Dash and Bash?

Running bash -c 'bash -c "echo test1; exit 1;" &> /tmp/x; buildresult=$?; tail -n 100 /tmp/x; exit $buildresult;' results in test1 being printed to console and echo $? to print 1 which in my ...
10 votes
6 answers

Portable check empty directory

With Bash and Dash, you can check for an empty directory using just the shell (ignore dotfiles to keep things simple): set * if [ -e "$1" ] then echo 'not empty' else echo 'empty' fi However I ...
5 votes
2 answers

dash maximum variable length under systemd

I have a shell script that uses a single variable as an associative array (one KEY=VALUE per line). Throughout the execution of the script, the variable is manipulated to add, remove or modify ...
3 votes
1 answer

Debian /bin/sh in a Docker container never seems to look at .profile

I can not seem to get dash to look at $HOME/.profile: pedz@Peace:s001 ~[S:hatred] % docker exec -it hatred-web-1 dash -i # cat $HOME/.profile PROOF=true; export PROOF PATH=/hatred/bin:$PATH; export ...
1 vote
1 answer

dash script replace array

This script works if I use bash on my Debian 11 (bullseye). But now I need to refactor it to use Debian's sh shell(/bin/dash). #!/bin/dash var1=1 var2=2 var3=3 arr=($var1 $var2 $var3) exist_var=&...
7 votes
2 answers

How do I keep a dash shell script running despite any error?

I have a dash shell script that is intended to run to the end of file: #!/usr/bin/dash # File b_shell . a_nonexistent_file echo "I want to print this line despite any previous error." ...
7 votes
2 answers

Is there a pipefail equivalent for dash?

I have a perl script that runs a system() call to execute shell commands and I would like to run more than one command and pipe data between them. Something like (in perl): system("command1 | ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to add a substring to a string as a column

The title may not be the best at describing the issue, but this was the best I could come up with, moving on to describe what I'm trying to do, I use artix runit as my os, and it is tedious to create ...
7 votes
1 answer

What parts of dash are not part of the POSIX standard?

I know that dash adheres quite closely to the POSIX standard, but I know that it's not 100.00% strict POSIX without any extras. The shell that comes closest/adheres exactly to the POSIX standard is as ...
1 vote
1 answer

dash: why am I getting the error "Syntax error: EOF in backquote substitution" when my script doesn't even contain a backquote?

#!/bin/sh -- for set_trap_sig in HUP INT QUIT ALRM TERM; do trap -- ' trap -- - '"${set_trap_sig:?}"' EXIT || exit "$?" kill -s '"${set_trap_sig:?}"' ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why is "${1-"$var"}" (option 6 down below) not mentioned in POSIX?

The only reference I could find in the spec is this: It would be desirable to include the statement "The characters from an enclosed "${" to the matching '}' shall not be affected by ...
69 votes
7 answers

Is dash or some other shell "faster" than bash?

I always thought that the only benefit of using dash instead of bash was that dash was smaller, and therefore many instances of dash would start faster at boot time. But I have done some research, ...
4 votes
4 answers

How to escape the null character in here-document?(bash and/or dash)

I want to perform shuf --zero-terminated on multi-line strings with here-document.
17 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between : and true?

In bash: $ type : : is a shell builtin $ type true true is a shell builtin Looks like they are the same, but they don't give the same system trace: $ strace : strace: :: command not found $ strace ...
1 vote
1 answer

Multiple commands in variable? [duplicate]

Is it possible to execute multiple commands stored in a variable? Singe command works fine variable="echo HELLO" $variable HELLO I would like to have something like this variable="...
2 votes
2 answers

Is there an invoked file for dash and sh as non login shells in /etc directory?

/etc/profile can be invoked by sh and dash inside an interactive login mode. Is there any file in /etc directory to be invoked when they are in an interactive non-login mode?
9 votes
2 answers

How to find out the version number of `dash` without resorting to package management systems?

I have been using bash most of the time and has just started playing with other shells. I started with dash and tries to find out its version number but the usual method like -v or $version does not ...
7 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't sudo always spawn a shell sub-process?

I am trying to understand why some shells seem to receive a special treatment when called with sudo. For instance, there seem to be two possible behaviours: The "implicit" group (pstree is a ...
2 votes
3 answers

Can dash replace bash as my default shell?

From what I read, dash can be made as a shell by using the command ~$ chsh shirish Password: Changing the login shell for shirish Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default Login Shell ...
1 vote
1 answer

Bash for every x files create sub folder and move files there

I am looking for an alternative dash command I can use as I am trying to execute the code from within python and due to the fact that the sub folder has 100's of files I am am trying to group into ...
2 votes
0 answers

how to close file descriptor bigger then 9 by dash in shell script

I want launch a shell script in code called system("sh"), and close all file descriptors like this: for fd in $(ls /proc/$$/fd); do case "$fd" in 0|1|2) ;;...
0 votes
2 answers

Sourcing file in dash with . file gives "not found" error

I'm trying to source (bash-parlance) a file in dash using . file as specified by the man page: . file The commands in the specified file are read and executed by the shell. But I ...
1 vote
1 answer

SHELLOPTS equivalent for /bin/dash

I have to run a number of shell scripts that are defined by a third party. So I cannot (or would prefer not to) change their content or which shell (bash vs. dash) they are using. They may or may not ...
0 votes
1 answer

Incorrect order of commands in "Command Substitution" (Bash/Dash)

Why is it that when you run the substitution commands, the order of execution is broken, as in the example below. First the chmod command was executed, then echo 1 and echo 2? echo $(echo 1; echo 2; ...
0 votes
0 answers

Secure transfer of arguments to a program (dash/bash)

Transfer via stdin #!/bin/dash echo 'password' | program - Transfer via stdin using an intermediate variable var_pass=$(echo 'password') echo $var_pass | program - unset var_pass Transfer via ...
1 vote
1 answer

Proper way to wrap dash using rlwrap

On Ubuntu, I have set alias sh='rlwrap --complete-filenames sh' to get readline keybindings and filename completion when using the dash shell (on my computer, sh is /usr/bin/sh, which is a symbolic ...
-1 votes
3 answers

Changing the place operator in a csv file

I've been editing a CSV file so I can import it into postgres. At this point I want to change the operator from column 5 to the left side of the column when the value is negative"-". When it ...
0 votes
3 answers

find/detect file name goups

On fs i have files like: PREFIX_GROUPNAME_OTHERNAMES[.txt|.*] eg: A_ABC_A.txt A_ABC_B.txt A_ABC_C.txt A_XYZ_A.txt A_XYZ_B.txt A_XYZ_C.txt For some futher tasks i want to get the group names. $# ...
5 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to make the local command work portably to dash ksh bash and zsh?

In dash (and in bash zsh and some other shells) the command local works to make a variable scope limited to that function (and descendants in some cases). That enable the possibility of making a ...
2 votes
0 answers

Can't grep or word count the output of jobs command in dash

This is what I tested in Arch's dash shell and FreeBSD's default sh shell, the results are the same. $ sleep 100 & $ jobs [1] + Running sleep 100 $ jobs | wc 0 0 ...
0 votes
1 answer

purpose of dashes in `wget -qO- | bash -`

In this command: wget -qO- | bash - Source: ...the first -q is the option for "quiet" mode. What is ...
7 votes
2 answers

Why does dash's echo expand \\\\ differently to bash's echo?

I have a little open source project that for various reasons I've tried to write in reasonably portable shell script. Its automated integration tests check that hostile characters in path expressions ...
3 votes
1 answer

ssh: force different shell for non-interactive command execution

how can I force specific shell to be used for non-interactive command execution via ssh on remote server? My default shell on the remote server is zsh, but I need to execute given command using /bin/...
5 votes
1 answer

/bin/sh: wildcard expansion does not work in script

I am using dash as /bin/sh. In my script, I have following line: SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-????????????/agent.* Which is supposed to match file /tmp/ssh-abcdefghijkl/agent.1234. Even when the file ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to execute a one-line posix dash command within dash script to enable coredump?

For unrelated purposes I am forced to produce a script that only works with posix sh. Within my script I have checked if the system allows the creation of coredumps, then if the limit is set to 0 I ...
3 votes
1 answer

dash and local keyword not resetting shell

dash shell (unlike bash and busybox ash implementation where both examples print foo: '') takes value of previously defined variable, i.e. guarding with local does not work: $ foo=ee; bar() { local ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Having an interactive shell experience but running everything through dash

So i'm starting to get addicted to POSIX standards and simplicity yet i hate not having autocomplete using the arrows to go through characters and i want a cool shell prompt. so is there anyway that i ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why integer division is faster than bitwise shift in shell?

I'm comparing performance of bash and dash (default sh in Xubuntu 18.04). I expect sh to be faster than bash I expect bitwise shift to be faster than division operator. However, I'm getting ...
1 vote
2 answers

Can't delete multiple files with spaces on name with rm

I'm working on a deploy script for my dotfiles, they are stored on a Git bare repository, from which i git checkout it's files into my home directory, in order to seamlessy do it without thousands of ...
-4 votes
1 answer

How to printf ascii characters with hex or dec inside /bin/sh -c '...'?

/bin/sh would be dash what is the correct syntax for printf to display certain ascii character using hex or dex code in dash? let's say i want to printf a dollar sign ($). which hex or dec code should ...
0 votes
1 answer

Global Variables across scripts [duplicate]

Why is lets say HOME recognized by all my scripts but my variable DMENU isn't? I export it in my bspwmrc file which is executed at start up.Also had it in my zshrc. Why do this? DMENU="-h 27 -z ...
0 votes
1 answer

su not working inside arch-chroot with dash shell

When i try to do the following inside a dash script: #!/bin/dash arch-chroot /mnt /bin/dash <<- EOF su myuser whoami EOF It simply logs the "root", but when i try to do it ...
12 votes
2 answers

Shell script returns 0 exit_status despite syntax error

Consider this script: #!/bin/sh foo=1 if [[ ! -z $foo ]]; then echo abc fi It's using the Bash syntax [[ ... ]] which doesn't work (as expected) when I run it with the default shell on Ubuntu (...
14 votes
2 answers

exit trap in dash vs ksh and bash

Here's a simple script that sets up a temp dir in the current dir and a trap to delete it on exit. #filename: script set -x trap 'rm -rf "$d"' exit d=`TMPDIR=$PWD mktemp -d` "$@" If I do ksh ...
5 votes
2 answers

bash -e and && evaluation inside functions

I'm puzzled by bash (and dash) behavior when -e option is set. Simple example: #!/bin/bash -e func() { false && true } false && true echo "1" func echo "2" ...
0 votes
1 answer

dash: How can I quote the arguments ala "${(q+@)@}" in zsh?

I want to quote the arguments in dash (or sh, or even bash if that's not possible). I can do that with "${(q+@)@}" in zsh, such that reval <sth> ... is the same as just typing in <...