Questions tagged [daemontools]

daemontools is a collection of tools for managing UNIX services. Not to be confused with "DAEMON Tools", the disk image emulation tool for Windows.

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1 answer

Daemontools multilog loses log line time information. How to fix it?

I am using daemontools to monitor a process and its output log. I am using multilog to write the logs to disk. The run script for the log is: #!/bin/bash PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin cd /usr/...
donatello's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Are there any good tutorials for NetBSD and daemontools?

I'm looking for some good resources on running daemontools on a NetBSD box. I've installed the binary package via pkg_add, but I can't seem to find an rc script for starting, e.g., svscan. I'm mostly ...
Hank Gay's user avatar
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How to install daemontools on ubuntu or debian from source

I am installing D.J.B.'s daemontools on an ubuntu 10.04 server (64 bit). (This question is about daemontools, which is a free and open software for managing UNIX services. It is not about 'DAEMON ...
mit's user avatar
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Is there a retry count setting for svscan?

I'm supervising a script with svscan which may run into errors and stuck there. When the script dies svscan restarts it right away but dies immediately. So it keeps restarting it. I don't seem to find ...
papaiatis's user avatar
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