If I browse to a folder in VIFM, is there a way to open a nautilus window from that location? I'm interested in this so I can use point-and-click drag and dropping features of nautilus in certain contexts (vifm is the most efficient way to find a location, but it isn't necessarily the most efficient way to manipulate files/folders within that location, or so it seems to me).

1 Answer 1


In Vifm you can set custom commands with:

:command name action

So by setting a command like:

:command [name-you-wish] nautilus .

every time you type


nautilus will open the current directory.

For example:

:command oin nautilus .
  • 2
    Alternative/additional way is to bind it to a key, e.g. nnoremap ,e :!nautilus .<cr>. It's a bit faster if it's a common task.
    – xaizek
    Oct 5, 2014 at 20:28

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